Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Recap

I did not get around to posting over Labor Day weekend. Here is a quick rundown of the exciting events:
  • Friday was great. Got together with the girls for dinner, wine and wonderful conversation. We decided to start a dedicated craft/book club, so I am super excited about that. Good times!
  • Saturday was busy. My mom took the kids to her house for the afternoon so I could edit a script for Brandon. I spent a portion of the evening in an urgent care center because I had an allergic reaction to something I ate, probably carrots. I will just have to see what the allergist finds.
  • Sunday was great. We took the kids to brunch with my family and then visited Brandon's parents.
  • Monday was relaxed. We ate donuts for breakfast and took the kids to the toy store. Emma has had her eye on a "moving baby" for months now. We were able to find just what she wanted, and just what I needed. I am guessing a mom designed the doll because while she does move and coo and make cute little noises when she takes her bottle, she also comes with a blessed off switch. Aidan, much to my surprise, chose an enormous Hulk toy. I must say it is a bit scary looking, but Aidan LOVES it. The thing's eyes light up, he slams his fists down and exclaims "HULK SMASH!" in a menacing tone. Not at all something I thought my little guy would like. He is growing up so fast.

I hope you all had a great extended weekend with family and friends. Have a great week!

1 comment:

jkc said...

"Hulk Smash!"...bwahahaha!

Friday night was awesome! Great food and fantastic conversation. I will be very disappointed it we don't do this once a month.

Still loving my new playtoy as if all the updates to my flickr account weren't proof enough.

I'm feeling much was a horrible sinus attack. But, I definitely want to borrow Prison Break at some point. Brandon has really talked up that show and I really want to see it now.

P.S. Fingers crossed on the script!!!!!