Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Already Friday?

Okay, so clearly no video to post. But that does not mean it was not a productive day. Sure, there are still a million things on my "to do list," but I am happy to say several items have been crossed off!
The most pressing order is complete and will be delivered today. I set up a table for the garage sale. And most importantly, The Pink Ladybugs now have bows to match their uniforms. I think the bows turned out so precious! Thanks to my mom (again) for all of the help. If not for her, I would still be staring at piles of cut ribbon.
Back to the list. Aidan will be up from his nap soon. Wishing you all a happy, productive and FUN Friday!


jkc said...

Cute bows!!!

So, you're doing your garage sale tomorrow?

Brigitte said...

Yes! We are having it at my mom's house because she has a few things to sell too and I think we will have more traffic there. I will ready for craft night, though!