Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Green Eyes

Emma and Aidan were playing so nicely together the other day. I was catching up on a bit of work and then I heard it. The ear-piercing scream. You know the one I mean. I ran into his room, where they were building towers for the Incredible Hulk to smash.

Apparently Hulk had ended up smashing Emma instead of the tower. After comforting her and calming her down, and after Aidan's stint in time-out was up, I had my little "toys are not weapons" talk with him. Again. He appeared to be listening so intently to what I was saying. Then he said to me "Mommy, I love your beautiful green eyes. Your eyes are so beautiful and green."

Well, what's a mom to do? I tried to keep it in, but I just burst out laughing. Then an intense feeling of dread washed over me. If this kid is this good at 2 1/2, what will I face in the years to come? I think we are all in a lot of trouble.

1 comment:

jkc said...

Oh yeah, he's gonna continue to be a charmer as he gets older. By his teenage years, I'm sure he'll be able to get his teachers to do his homework for him : )

If I'm able, I'm going to try and come to your show Saturday.