Monday, October 20, 2008

Mission Organization: Day Four

This was a great Monday. Still is, I suppose, at least for another 4 1/2 hours. I made it to my MOMs group and I was even on time. I finally remembered to bring my friend's very belated baby gift. Emma had a great time in her class. Aidan and Brandon hung out and had fun playing with Aidan's "guys."

When we got home we had lunch, after which I promptly dove into Aidan's room. I got all of his toys organized in their bins, organized his closet and new dresser drawers, finished the "summer to fall clothing switch" and thoroughly cleaned the room. It looks so nice! It is really easy for him to choose which toys he wants to play with as well as put them back.

None of this would have been possible if not for my kids playing so well together today. I just love it when a plan comes together. Tomorrow I will tackle Emma's room. I hope all of you had a great Monday as well!

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