Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Settling In

Emma had her first soccer practice today. I must admit that I had my concerns. I mean, she is just so girly. I realized today that I know nothing. Emma loves soccer.

The girls did so well. They lasted 45 minutes, which is amazing considering it was really hot today, they are all four years old (some of them just barely) and it was the first practice. Coach Rich, who is fantastic, held their attention and showed them how to run different drills, all while having tons of fun.

Settling in to a new schedule can be so exhausting. We are back in the swing of things with school, just added soccer to the mix today, and ballet starts after labor day. With our weekdays so jammed packed I am really looking forward to leisurely weekends. We are going to do our best to keep them light and full of fun.

Speaking of fun, I can hardly wait for fall and Halloween! I had to visit one of my local quilt shops, The Savage Quilter, today to purchase some fabric for the ladybugs my mom is going to applique on the girls' uniforms. While there I spotted the cutest Alexander Henry Halloween print called "Halloween Lane." I simply could not resist, so I got some to make Emma a little skirt. If you have not seen it, you should check it out. You never know, it just might spark your creative spirit as well!

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