Thursday, August 28, 2008
Mission Postponed
I did run to the store while Aidan napped. I picked up four bins to store fabric. I am afraid I have grossly underestimated my stash! I am blaming the minky - it takes up more room than the cotton. The minky alone looks as though it might take up all four bins. I hope to get it all together this weekend, but I am not going to stress about it.
Emma and I worked on a fun little school project today. She had to make an "all about me" poster. I think it turned out pretty well, but I could have added more if I just had a little more time. Some projects scream at me when I am finished, but others haunt my thoughts. I will no doubt dream of this poster tonight.
Do you have any unfinished projects? Leave me a comment and we'll compare notes. Or maybe we will be inspired to complete them and finally put them to rest.
Have a great Friday and a safe holiday weekend!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Getting it together
Okay, so I know it will not magically happen in a day. My goal for the day is to get my fabric organized. I know it might not sound like much, but trust me -- it will be quite an undertaking. I plan to break my fabrics into simple categories and store them in clear plastic bins so that they are completely visible. As the day is still relatively young, not even 9 a.m., I know I can tackle this task today. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I will take on my paper stash.
I hope you will join me later tonight. I will post the results of my mission to make a little corner of my world a little neater.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Settling In
The girls did so well. They lasted 45 minutes, which is amazing considering it was really hot today, they are all four years old (some of them just barely) and it was the first practice. Coach Rich, who is fantastic, held their attention and showed them how to run different drills, all while having tons of fun.
Settling in to a new schedule can be so exhausting. We are back in the swing of things with school, just added soccer to the mix today, and ballet starts after labor day. With our weekdays so jammed packed I am really looking forward to leisurely weekends. We are going to do our best to keep them light and full of fun.
Speaking of fun, I can hardly wait for fall and Halloween! I had to visit one of my local quilt shops, The Savage Quilter, today to purchase some fabric for the ladybugs my mom is going to applique on the girls' uniforms. While there I spotted the cutest Alexander Henry Halloween print called "Halloween Lane." I simply could not resist, so I got some to make Emma a little skirt. If you have not seen it, you should check it out. You never know, it just might spark your creative spirit as well!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I am a soccer mom
My ridiculously talented mom will be adding little pink ladybugs to the uniforms this week. She is a true artist. I can't wait to share the results with you.
This is our first team sport. I feel great that we have an experienced "team mom" that knows the ropes because her older boys play. I am sure there are many lessons to be learned this fall, and I eagerly await them all.
Until next time, dear readers, goodnight.
Friday, August 22, 2008
On that long walk back to the car, the one where I tried so hard not to lose it in the parking lot, I wondered how we got here so quickly. It seems like just yesterday that she had no idea Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers even existed. Now she wants an iPod for her birthday so she can listen to them any time she wants. Thankfully she is asking Santa for a "moving baby doll" for Christmas, so she hasn't abandoned her childhood just yet.
I don't think I am a "helicopter parent" that hovers over my kids too much. I don't want to stunt their emotional growth, or keep them from growing up. I just don't want it to happen overnight. So maybe I am a little overprotective. I skip the begining of "Finding Nemo" and I don't let them play in the backyard by themselves. It just seems so hard to find a good balance, but I realize if I just take a deep breath, look inside myself and pay attention to my children's cues, it will all turn out OK.
Her first day was great. She made some new friends, as well as reconnected with some from last year. She loves her new teachers, Ms. Johnnie and Ms. Amy. We found out, a little too late, that her room is "peanut-free" and I had packed her requested peanut butter sandwich for lunch. She had to eat lunch across the hall with her preschool teacher, Ms. Bobbi. That was also great fun, because Ms. Bobbi holds a special place in our hearts. I asked her what she wanted to take in her lunch since peanut butter is now out of the question. She replied, in her very grown-up manner, "I believe I will try either tuna or quiche. How does that sound, Mom?"
My sweet little Emma, I think that sounds perfect.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
It has been awhile...
It has been a few days since my last post, but that is because I have been hard at work! My dining room, which is serving as my temporary makeshift sewing studio, is proof. My floor is covered in kiwi green and turquoise minky swirl fuzz! It is so messy to work with, but so worth it in the end.
The top photo features my ginger blossom toddler car seat cover. It reverses to the fabulous turquoise minky I mentioned above. The Giddy Up infant car seat cover is so much fun! It reverses to a delicious carmel minky.
I have not only been hard at work sewing, but I have also been designing and preparing my new booth space for the upcoming "Fall Into the Holidays" show in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The show is Saturday, September 13, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I hope you will stop by if you are in the area. It is always fun to do shows because I get the opportunity to meet so many great people!
I hope you will all seek out a market or craft show in your local area this fall. They are great places to pick up unique, often hand-crafted gifts for either you or a loved one. And with the holidays approaching quickly, it is the perfect time to shop!
Have a marvelous Monday!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Snuggle Up
While I love making blankets from fun, hip prints, I find myself leaning toward sweet vintage prints as of late. I have been lucky enough to happen upon several darling little repro-vintage numbers, and I cannot wait to share my results with you, dear reader.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Here's to a perfect Sunday, curled up in one of your own favorite blankets.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Cooler weather and car seat covers!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Introductions, please!
My name is Brigitte. I am the owner and designer behind sahm-i-am designs. I have a fun line of children's accessories, as well as handmade cards and invitations. I am a wife and a stay-at-home mom of two little ones, Emma, four and Aidan, two. My family is my everything. Reading, sewing and papercrafting are my passions.
I hope you stop by often to see what we are up to!