Friday, March 6, 2009

Don't they look nice?

OK, so as I posted previously, I finally did it. I sorted through all of the kids toys and got rid of what they absolutely do not play with. Again. I then organized them into categorical labeled see-through bins and stored them in my new cabinets in the sun/play room.

This is what is behind door number one:

Door number two:
And door number three:

The upper cabinets are still empty. I managed to fit the majority of their toys in the lower cabinets where the kids can easily reach them. They still have a few things in their rooms, but now everything is so much neater!


Unknown said...

Good job Brig! They look awesome!
If only it would magically return to that state each evening...huh?
I'm so excited to see the room finished (in person I mean).
Can't wait till tomorrow!!

Robin said...

Our book club blog is up and running~ :) Either click on my name or go here to see it:

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I found my way here from our Literary Sisters blog. Good job on your organization project. Isn't it amazing how our kiddos seem to attract all those little goodies. LOL

jennykate77 said...

Great job with the organizing!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday! :)

Robin said...

Hi Brigitte!
Hey, Our new host for the month of April picked the next book for us to read... I posted about it on the Lit Sisters blog-You might want to go check it out!(just click on my name above to get there) We are having a giveaway this weekend too! :)
Have a great day!