The family party was great. Aidan chose a menu of white salmon (Halibut), broccoli and baked potatoes. Brandon picked up a special treat at the fish market -- homemade hush puppies. They were yummy!
My mom made a fantastic cake (as always) which was, at Aidan's request, decorated with his favorite bad guy Zurg (from Toy Story). On her way to my house, someone swerved into her lane of traffic and slammed on his brakes, forcing her to slam on hers. The cake went flying. I am not sure I can properly convey how upset she was that Aidan did not have his Zurg cake, but we were all just happy she was OK. Brandon ran to the bakery and picked up a chocolate cake, and all was well.
Aidan was not not upset at all. He was just happy to have everyone over to celebrate his birthday. He was so excited to open all of his cool presents. Unfortunately, no matter how quickly I tried to move around, most of those photos ended up looking like this:
All in all it was a fantastic day. And we have his kid party to look forward to this Saturday. He will have a Zurg cake for that party, and maybe by then my mom will stop feeling so bad about the first one.
I don't know how I ended up so lucky, but I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
I am SO GLAD your mom is okay! And please tell your kids to stop growing up...they're making me feel old!
Happy belated birthday to Aiden. He is so cute!
Hope your family had a wonderful Valentine's Day!♥
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