Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Very Unconventional Thankful List

I was not going to do a blog about all the things I am thankful for. For one, it would be long. And maybe a bit boring, because I am sure it would echo every "what I am thankful for" post out there. So I am mixing it up a bit. These are all things that I am thankful for, but they are not the typical things you would expect. So, without further ado, here is a short list of a few of the weirder things I am thankful for. They are listed in no particular order of importance.
  • That Pottery Barn Kids does NOT sell the Star Wars sheet sets in King Size. If they did, I am fairly certain that it would be only a matter of time before my husband dragged them home.
  • My husband's total acceptance and understanding of my crazy irrational fear of clowns. In a very understanding manner he eloquently and effectively explained to Emma why we cannot bring home the child-sized Gymbo clown doll from Gymboree. Thirteen times.
  • Paper and fabric and all of the great designers out there that make them.
  • Book, books, books.
  • Appointment calendars, without which I would be a complete mess. Oh, OK, an even bigger mess than I am now.
  • My gorgeous Kitchen Aid Mixer (in Claret). My kids love to make cookies, and nothing whips them up faster. I can't tell you how many hand held mixers I have blown up trying to mix cookie dough. It just doesn't work.
  • Music - a special shout out to Coldplay for being Emma's bedtime music since day one and Jack Johnson for being Aidan's bedtime music from day one as well.
  • Emma and Aidan's sleep-overs at CiCi's house. This occasional treat is the only only good night's sleep I get. Thank you, thank you, thank you CiCi!! My mom rocks!
  • The color pink because it is Emma's favorite and she is so passionate about it.
  • Toy Story and Toy Story 2 because of how much Aidan loves them.

OK, so there it is. A very small sampling of things that I really appreciate. Of course these things can't compare to my family, God's grace, my friends, good health, etc. You know, all those usual things I wasn't going to mention!

Have a great Thanksgiving!

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